Thursday, February 2, 2012

Shuttle Run Trail - The East Side Shuttle

According to their website, the East Side Shuttle, operated by Glacier Park Inc., should be up and running by June 8th, thus allowing us to plan a one-way trek through the park.

By backpacking from East Glacier to Many Glacier we will be able to utilize the East Side Shuttle and hike the Continental Divide Trail. While researching the trail I noticed some discrepancies between the published maps (National Geographic Two Medicine Glacier National Park Map, National Park Service Map) and software with respect to the actual location of the Continental Divide Trail. I learned that there are actually 2 trails, the "Designated" route and the "CDTS" route.  According to the Continental Divide Trail Society, the Designated route is the location of the trail that has been selected by the Forest Service, the Park Service, and the Bureau of Land Management which follows the geographic Continental Divide as closely as feasible.  The CDTS is a separate route which, "often goes its own way in order to take a  route with greater scenic, wildlife, or historic  interest; avoid roads, especially high-standard ones; provide better access to water; eliminate sections that are unnecessarily circuitous; and use reasonable grades and avoid pointless ups-and-downs."

By following the highlighted route we will be able to leverage the shuttle service and hike both the Designated and CDTS trails, although the logistics of camping on the Designated trail still need to be worked out.

There is some amazing terrain that we are going to be right in the heart of.  I think that in addition to my lofty weight loss goal (<200 lbs by the time we leave) I shall take on a regimented strength training and flexability program.

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