Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Application has been Submitted

Our application has been submitted to the NPS.  It would be nice if they provided some form of confirmation that they recieved the fax, but alas there is none.

In addition to submitting our primary route plan I also included a secondary option in case the primary is not available.  I chose the following campgrounds:  Elizabeth Lake FT (ELF), Mokowanis Junction (MOJ), Waterton River (WAT), Bowman Lake HD (BOW), and Quartz Lake (QUA).  These sites all run basically along from northeast to northwest along the northern edges of the park.

This route would take us through the Ptarmigan Tunnel which is a 250-foot tunnel that was blasted through the Ptarmigan Wall to allows hikers to avoid a strenuous climb over very steep terrain between Many Glacier and the Belly River valley.

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