Monday, January 30, 2012

The Idea

Over Christmas break I read a book called AWOL on the Appalachian.  The book is about a software engineer who decides to quit his job and through hike the AT.  After reading of AWOL's adventure I decided that I would like to experience backpacking in the mountains of Glacier National Park in Montana. 

I did some research on the park and read that scientists project that by 2020 there will be no more actual glaciers in the park, which is kind of lame.

Now begins the process of planning a trip, there are a lot of details that need to be worked out to plan a trip of this magnatude, especially since I've never been to Glacier National Park before.  Maps will need to be found, routes planned, campsites reserved, transportation lined up, gear planned, etc.  It's a good thing I'm starting early, the soonest I will be able to get into the park is mid-late June.

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