Thursday, May 24, 2012

It's Snowing at Logan Pass!

Here is a picture from GNP, taken yesterday during plowing of the Going to the Sun Road.  We need to be prepared for situations like this while traveling in the high country.  We'll be in Glacier in 52 days!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Park Status Update

With 59 days to go before we hit the trail, here is a snap shot of what the park looks like right now. 

Starting in Two Medicine:
5,200 ft elevation

Then passing by St. Mary Lake:

4,484 ft elevation.

And through Logan Pass. The Logan Pass Visitor Center is visible in the center of the photo:
6,700 ft elevation

The Going to the Sun Road runs from the top left to the bottom center, therfore we are looking at the Logan Pass Visitor Center from the west.

The temperature in East Glacier Park is 45° with a forcasted high of 54°.  Mondays high is forcasted at 70° with a low of 39°.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

The Itinerary

Our final itinerary is as follows:

Day 1 - Saturday   -Two Medicine Campground 
Day 2 - Sunday  14.7Atlantic Creek (ATL)
Day 3 - Monday 10.7Red Eagle Lake, Head (REH)
Day 4 - Tuesday 15.3Reynolds Creek (REY)
Day 5 - Wednesday 4.9Gunsight Lake (GUN)
Day 6 - Thursday 0Gunsight Lake (GUN) 
Day 7 - Friday 13.8Granite Park (GRN)
Day 8 - Saturday 7.6 Out
Total Distance 67 miles

Friday, May 11, 2012

Spring Thaw Update - Mt. Jackson

The NPS published this update of Mt. Jackson today.  Crampons and an Ice Axe may be a good idea...

We leave for Glacier National Park in 65 days.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Wilderness and Remote First Aid

Danger will be waiting for us through every pass and around every corner.  Becasue we will be so far removed from civiilization it will be wise for some of us to be trained in Wilderness and Remote First Aid.  We've elected to work through the American Red Cross' Wilderness and Remote First Aid course provided by Active Source, Inc.  The course includes training on what to do in the case of:
  • Head (Brain), Neck and Spinal Injuries
  • Heat-Related Emergencies
  • Hypothermia
  • Altitude-Related Illnesses
  • Allergies and Anaphylaxis
  • Burns
  • Bone and Joint Injuries
  • Wounds and Wound Infection

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The East Side Shuttle Schedule...

Glacier Park Inc. has finalized their schedule for the East Side shuttle for the 2012 season. For our route we will need drop our vehicle in Many Glacier and take the shuttle back to the Two Medicine are.  Pickups in Many Glacier are at 9 am and 4:45pm.  Unfortunately the shuttle does not make a southbound stop in Two Medicine so we will have to draw straws to see who will get a little extra exercise by hiking from where the shuttle drops them off back to base camp.  Customer service for the shuttle suggested that we may be able to ask the shuttle driver to drop us on the highway near Two Medicine, which would shorten the detour.. 

Because of the times that the shuttle runs from Many Glacier down to East Glacier (9am or 4:45pm) and the ranger stations hours we may need to adjust our arrival time and date to include an extra night.

Spruce Tea!

In the past I would have brought with a few bags of green tea, or even my coffee maker with a few filters and some ground beans, but for this trip and for the sake of lightening the load I am opting for Spruce Tea.

Add a handful of spruce needles to a cup of water, boil/seep for a few minutes and then enjoy.  Thanks Bear Grylls.

An added bonus is that Spruce Tea is high in vitamin C.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

General Trail Status from July 1 – July 31

The National Park Service defines July 1 – July 31 as the Transition into Summer.  During this time trails dry out and firm up at lower elevations. Melting snow presents dynamic hazards at higher elevations, ice axe often recommended. Seasonal suspension and plank bridges are all installed by mid-July. The Ptarmigan Tunnel doors open in mid-July. Snow drift blasting and treading is completed by Trail Crew by the end of July. The majority of the backcountry campgrounds are open by mid-July although the routes connecting the campgrounds may still be impassible.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Making Brown Rice and Natural Chicken Stew

One of the items on my dinner menu is going to be Brown Rice and Natural Chicken Stew. This is a hearty and nutritious meal that doesn't requre tiem on the stove to cook onece we have boiling water. Because there are so many people in the group, time on the stoves will be at a premium, plus at the end of the day I'm goingot want my dinner to be ready as fast as possible.

Here's the ingredients:

1 cup Premium Instant Brown Rice
7 oz Natural White Chicken
1/2 packet Onion Gravy Mix
615 Calories, 48g Protein

The rice and gravy mix will be combined into a pre-portioned and mixed bag to aid in portion control.

I worked through a dry run of preparing the meal using my Apex stove and stainless steel kettle. I boiled the water and then poured 1 - 1 1/2 cups of the water into my GSI Solo cookware bowl. 

I then added the rice/gravy mixture and let it set.  After 5 minutes I added the chicken.  Five minutes later dinner was served. 


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Protection from the Elements

Liam and I made a trip to REI today in search of some inclement weather gear.  I picked up the REI Ultralight Rain Gear (Jacket and Pants) and the REI Revelcloud Synthetic Insulation Jacket.  This combination should be sufficient, with the appropriate base layers, to handle anything we will see during the trip, shy of a blizzard...

Training for the Hike - Boot Camp

Part of my training plan for the trip will be to participate twicw a week in the Envision Fitness Fit-in-45 Boot Camp over my lunch break.  The training will include the following:

·         Plyometrics - jumping, skipping, sprinting, throwing
·         Cardiovascular endurance training
·         Strength training
·         Agility and quickness
·         Core and ab/low back exercises
·         Balance and coordination
·         Games and Competitions

All of these will help support and improve my general fitness and overall stamina.